Condolences for John E. Weymiller

Carolyn, Audrey, and Alice - Sorry to hear of your dad's passing. He had such great accomplishments. He took good care of my dad (and my mother) when my dad was sick back in the 70s. He gave me one of my first non-lawn-mowing jobs while growing up in Eitzen in the late 50s. He was a great boss, and he taught me a lot about maintaining and repairing cars and tractors.
From Larry Fruechte

What a wonderful fabulous neighbor John & Elnora were. They were so caring & generous. My mother often said John would change the oil in her car and check her blood pressure in the same visit. You girls have a wonderful legacy to follow.
From Beth Johnson

To Alice and all of John's family...With a lifetime of achievements like that, there must be a bountiful number of memories made. Lean on each other with those amazing memories, and in them I hope you find the joy that resides in your hearts. Sending you all prayers for comfort, peace, and that you feel held by the Lord. Love, your PFS Family.
From HCHS PFS Family

My dear Audrey, It is with sadness that I read of your father's passing. Losing a parent is a milestone in our lives and although expected, it still causes the heart great sorrow. Condolences and sympathy from both of us. As I read your Dad's obituary you must know that I smiled several times at how much of your Dad's life was shared by mine. I also attended a one-room country school in WI for 8 years with 16-18 students in all the grades. There was no kindergarten in those days. Also no school buses so we hoofed it both ways from the farm. We learned to drive the tractor and the pickup as soon as we could reach the pedal. I'm sure it was the same for your father. Hard work was the currency of the time and we didn't lament work knowing our future and any success was attached to that. I'm quite amazed at your Dad's diligence for continued education throughout his life. What a role model for you and your sisters as he stayed interested and challenged by his profession and his interests. Thanks for writing such an interesting descriptive narrative of your Dad's life. I imagine he had many stories to tell to the grandchildren. And I can also imagine how very proud he was of all your nursing and education accomplishments. Truly your Dad was a member of the Greatest Generation. Keep your memories and enjoy reflecting back on those special times. With love and sympathy, Faith
From Faith Zimmerman

Audrey - I read and reread the obituary. From driving a team of horses to earning a PhD, to tinkering on his old Model T, to advance practice nursing, John seemed to never stop working and growing and repairing the things and the people around him. Although I never her met him I have seen him in you, in our work together. Please share my condolences with your family as you mourn him and as you celebrate his remarkable life.
From Mark Thomas

Audrey, your father was a self-made man in the best sense of the word. We imagine his passing has left a hole in your lives. Hopefully, memories of the remarkable person he was will give you comfort and peace. Love, Kari & Geir
From Kari and Geir Rosvik

Audrey & Mike, Thinking of you and your family.
From Lisa Schnepper & Scott Miller